Government Boosts Artists In Budget
The government of The Bahamas, in its 2024/25 budget, foreshadowed new measures to support for the Orange economy and working artists. “In order to support our talented Bahamian artists, this budget will continue provisions, which would allow Bahamian artists to import supplies and equipment on a duty-free basis,” said Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis in the House of Assembly.
“The Ministry of Finance will also create a web interface to make the process easier for Bahamian artists.”
Among other equipment, Mr. Davis said the government will allow drones to be imported without paying Customs duties. This will allow filmmakers to bring drones into the country permanently without paying hefty duties so that they can always capture aerial footage.
Mr. Davis also pointed to other legislation designed to assist people engaged in the creative economy. “In the coming weeks, we will bring forward new intellectual property legislation that will benefit Bahamian creatives enormously, incentivizing them to create here, where they will have new intellectual property protections, and empowering them to negotiate from a stronger position with content platforms abroad.,” he said.
More details of plans and legislation are expected to be delivered as the budget is debated in the House of Assembly and the Senate.